紫微國寶造運卦牌(腕戴式)共有十一款造型、六百六十種能量組合模式,各款造型皆能和不同命造的生辰八字形成最佳搭配,為每一位配戴者注入完美的正能量、造出好命運。 There are 11 types of design and 660 kinds of energy combination for JoyGlobal I Ching Lucky Buckle in total. Each design can form and become the best mate according to different date of birth and eight characters of a horoscope to infuse the perfect and positive enregy into the person who wears the JoyGlobal I Ching Lucky Buckle and create the wonderful fate.
- 作用/Effect
紫微國寶造運卦牌(腕戴式)係根據個人生辰八字量身訂做,為個人命格中的吉者再加吉、凶者轉凶為吉。可催化和營造:財富運、升官運、事業運、安全運、異性佳緣、婚姻和合、貴人、健康、文昌...等一項或數項正能量。 The JoyGlobal I Ching Lucky Buckle is customized for everyone based on his/her date of birth and eight characters of a horoscope. The purpose for these products is to increase good luck and transform the bad luck into the good luck. It can promote and create one or more positive energy at one time, such as luck for wealth, luck for promotion, luck for career, luck for safety, great relationship with the opposite sex, marriage, mentors, health, Wenchang… etc.
靜待時機的年代過去了,在逆境中精準出擊逆轉勝,才是境界。【紫微國寶】學問全新進化,造運卦牌(腕戴式)直接將命主的負能量轉成正能量,讓命格由壞轉好、讓運勢由凶轉吉,逆轉勝造運法,將推升配戴者跨向新顛峰。 Still waiting the opportunity passively? The time of that generation is passed. To act accurately in adversity is the upcoming generation and the key to be successful. The new evolution of the knowledge, JoyGlobal, creates the Buckle to transform the negative energy into the positive energy. With this Buckle, the bad fortune and luck will turn into the good one and it will help the person who wears the Buckle to reach the summit of the life.
- 使用方式/Usage
謝昕潤老師會親自為命主擇取良辰吉日,由命主對紫微國寶造運卦牌(腕戴式)進行「點醒」和「啟戴」儀式,將紫微國寶造運卦牌(腕戴式)穿入項鍊配戴在身上,可讓命主時時保有和天地吉氣相應的正能量;嬰幼兒的使用方式,可將紫微國寶造運卦牌(腕戴式)放置在其枕頭下。 (註:「點醒」的作用在於為卦牌注入和啟動具有正向靈動的生命力。)
Pro. Hsin-jun Hsieh will pick and choose the auspicious date and time in person and have the person proceed the “Point” and “Start using” ceremony according to his/her date of birth and eight characters of a horoscope. By wearing the JoyGlobal I Ching Lucky Buckle, the person can always keep positive power corresponding to the good energy in the earth. With regard to the usage for babies, the JoyGlobal I Ching Lucky Buckle can be put under the pillow. (Notice: The effect of “Point” is to infuse the positive energy into the JoyGlobal I Ching Lucky Buckle and make it start to have the spiritual vitality.)
- 外形/Design concept
2,200 years ago, the first book of Feng Shui, Qingnangjing, said ”Once the energy of the sky comes, thereupon the shape of the ground will have corresponding reaction. After the shape of the ground finalized, it will start to store up the energy of the sky. The sky and the ground will interact continuously and create all things on earth.” The JoyGlobal I Ching Lucky Buckle not only possesses the modern design but also have the shape (round in top, square in bottom and full in middle) used to collect the positive energy. With this shape, the JoyGlobal I Ching Lucky Buckle can store up the positive energy completely to make the three materials (the decimal cycle (sky), the duodecimal cycle (ground) and Guas’ quantities (people)) become one material and form a unique energy with “Round Sky, Square Bottom and Successful people”.
- 材質、尺寸、重量/Material, specification and weight
材質:銅、鋁。 Material: Copper and Aluminum
尺寸:直徑 25 mm。 Specification: Diameter 25mm
- 售價/Selling price
◆ 臺幣 NTD 28,800 元/個。
註:1. 上列售價不含運費。 2. 上列卦牌屬訂製商品,下單時請一併付清款項,下單後恕不退款。
◆ NTD 28,800 /pc Notice: 1. Above price includes the sales tax but without the freight. The freight will be calculated additionally. 2. Since the JoyGlobal I Ching Lucky Buckle are customized products, please kindly make a lump-sum payment when placing the order and please be informed that there will be no refund once the order has been accepted.
- 使用說明書(下載使用說明書)
◆ 特別提醒: 當您收到本卦牌時,即請戴上身上並立刻和本公司人員連絡,由本公司將為您擇取「點醒」良辰吉日。 ●「點醒」的目的,如同在為命主注入新的好元素後再重啟開關,重啟開關的時機關係到卦牌能量能否與天地之氣交融,進而對當事人給予加分,故新卦牌需擇良辰吉日啟用。
◆ 「點醒」流程 於本公司所提供的點醒良辰吉日,由命主以手指沾清水,於卦牌正面全面積塗抹清水,儀式即完成,隨即戴回身上。
◆使用方式和禁忌 A. 此卦牌係取天地能量為命主進行加持,最宜長時間配戴在身上。 B. 天地能量沒有任何禁忌,戴著洗澡、睡覺、進出廁所、進出寺廟教堂等,皆無禁忌。 C. 兒童配戴者若擔心遺失,可於睡覺時將本卦牌置放在枕頭下。 D. 可以給他人觸摸或試戴,因為此卦牌是針對命主設計,所以別人碰過,再戴回命主身上,正能量仍是百分百。而觸摸或試戴之他人若不適用此卦牌者,對那個人會產生反作用力。
◆清潔保養方式 本產品腕皮帶為真皮,可不定期取綿羊油或馬油擦拭,可常保亮澤。
- 購買前根據生辰八字建議造運品項
- 由紫微國寶團隊成員根據您的生辰八字特性,以及您的個人期望,提供您造運品項建議。
- 費用:免費。(若您希望進行完整的命盤諮商,可加選紫微斗數付費諮商模式)
- 關於《紫微國寶》:
- 付款方式
- 現金交付紫微國寶團隊成員。
選擇使用 ATM 轉帳或銀行櫃檯繳納:
【臺幣/NT Dollar】
中國信託商業銀行 --- 臺中分行
戶 名:謝昕潤
帳 號:026540097531
【外幣/Foreign Currency】
ACCOUNT NO: 236087021959
- 信用卡線上付款。